7 Steps to Be Great in Bed (Get Better at Sex)

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7 Steps to Be Great in Bed (Get Better at Sex)

Believe it or not, I was not always a sex expert there are certain things that I have done that made me an expert at sex and I'm going to share a lot of those with you today including one very special one but you're going to need to watch until the very end to hear that it's definitely my number one tip definitely the number one reason that I am where I am today where I coach men all over the world on ending premature

  Ejaculation and being confident and successful lovers but what was the life of Caitlin V prior to this sex coach person that you see in front of you today well listen I was just like you I literally started with nothing it's not like I came from a household in which sex was openly discussed that was definitely not the case it's not like I had some early on experiences that these are scarred or inspired me I had a pretty normal life I grew up in the Midwest with like fairly conservative but like slightly open-minded parents that encouraged me to pursue my dreams but outside of that I'm no different than anyone else except for that today I am a sexpert the truth is that even though I have a degree even though I have been a sex and relationship coach for years now and a sex educator before that even though I have published papers even like all of that makes me unique for sure and it gives me authority and It lets you know that I know what the hell I'm doing but there are some things that I have done over the course of my life that have set me up to be an expert at sex and to be great at sex and those are things that you can do as well and I'm gonna share them with you today so why are you watching this channel most the time it's because you want to get great at sex I mean don't we all wouldn't being awesome at sex be an Amazing thing for you and your life like think about what your life would be like if you were walking around every day like that's right I am the best possible lover that I could be I blow panties straight off people and bring them to their knees pleasurable ecstasy like who does not want that on their job title like people care so much more about how good they are at sex then how much money they make what kind of car do they drive like you Know this to be true you ever seen a woman who's with a guy who's like a total loser in every way he treats her poorly he doesn't own his own car doesn't have his own job he's ugly as sin what do you think it's happening when they close the door that guy's created sex it's really not it's not rocket science okay and sex isn't rocket science the good news is that sex actually if you follow my advice that I'm gonna give you sex Actually if you follow this advice will be pretty easy for you too because it gives my you're built to do it you knew that from around the age of 13 or so your body is primed okay often it's just that your mind gets in the way all right that's enough let's get straight to my advice number one none judgment you hear me talk about this a lot on my channel but it bears repeating if you're judging yourself for wanting To learn more about sex you are gonna be your biggest block to becoming great at sex if you think sex is dirty or shameful or wrong or that you feel bad for having it or feel bad for being interested in it how far are you gonna get you are not gonna get very far in this world unless you decide to come into it without judgment also number two there's a lot of things about sex that people do with sex that you're gonna want to judge like you're going to be Primed to go oh you're into that that gets you off oh I don't know I feel about that just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean that it's wrong it's weird it's bad and the more non-judgement that you can bring to other people the more non-judgement that you can bring to yourself the better you're gonna get at sex that's the better you're gonna get at anything I'm gonna honest leave it sex just tends to be an area that people feel extremely Judgmental around and it's really easy to get that way because and this brings me to tip number two separate what you feel about sex from what other people feel about sex for most of us we grew up in households where sex either wasn't talked about which tells you a lot or if it was talked about it was spoken about because it was bad dirty wrong something to be avoided something that was gonna corrupt you or ruin your future and get you pregnant or get you Sick or whatever those are other people's views about sex what are yours for me personally I believe that sex connects me to my lover I believe it's a way of reducing stress and getting some physical exertion I believe it can be a spiritual connection to something bigger than myself like I have some really hardcore positive beliefs about sex but guess what I didn't grow up believing those and I definitely didn't get them from the culture that surrounds us if I Just believed what the average you know the American I'm American and I know you probably aren't or you couldn't you might not be if you're watching this video because I talk to people all over the world hi I've you've a little over the world if you grew up in the world today specifically in the West you probably were taught that sex exists with like big boobs blonds sex is this really like pornographic idea about it like if you only believe the things that You see in porn you're gonna believe that I'll mention how big penises all women should have screaming orgasms everyone should love anal sex like I understand that your beliefs about sex are not your own unless you've done the work to actually tease apart where did I get that idea versus where I got that idea versus what ideas are true for me which brings me to tip number three which is practice with lightheartedness okay if you take sex SuperDuper Seriously all the time you're only gonna get SuperDuper serious results and sex can be serious but it can be fun and if you practice everything from non judgment self reflection to sex itself with an air of lightness light heartedness like this should be fun this can be joyful this doesn't need to be super sad and serious and scary like sex can be a area of play that's gonna make it a lot easier because guess what you're gonna Go up and down in your journey to becoming anime master of sex there's gonna be times where you're like I am winning at this game I've never been more confident this is awesome and there's gonna be times where you're like oh my god I can't believe I messed that up again no one's ever gonna want to have sex with me ever again I'm so awful at this and guess what if you're taking it not too seriously you're gonna be able to ride Those downs and get back up to those highs way way way faster also honesty it's not enough to just be light-hearted you got to be honest you got to be honest with yourself and you got to be honest with your partners and if you say to someone hey I'm trying to get better at sex man give me feedback and let's keep this fun and light that's gonna be way way way easier for you to go into that scenario then the one where you're like I have to pretend I already know Everything there is to know about this and there's no way I could ever get feedback because that will crush my soul no one wants to have sex with that guy no one wants to be that guy be the guy that can honestly say hey I want to get really great at oral sex do you think you could give me some pointers let me know how you like it I'm open to feedback that's honest that's light hearted that's fun go with that now how do we get better that brings me to tip Number 4 which is Reed Reed there are so many awesome books about sex and sexuality I will link to them my website I will give those I have a whole list that I keep for my clients I'm gonna put it on my website I'm gonna link to it at the bottom of this video ok alright you're welcome there are awesome resources out there on sex and sexuality so go get them spend time with them if you're the kind of person that loves reading about your business loves Reading about your finances loves reading about cars loves reading the instruction manuals when you buy new gadgets then why not read about sex like why should sex be the one thing that you never have to study but you're gonna expect yourself to be good at it forget that go do research read it's fun it can't be anyway I mean I like it better than reading instruction manuals it's a body instruction really pleasure instance think about it like pleasure Instruction manuals alright yeah and I have to say it's not enough just to read that brings me to tip number 5 which is check the source don't believe everything that you read about sex there are a lot of people out there trying to make a buck off of telling you how to have sex the right way how to touch them how to approach a woman the right way and there's even more people trying to make money on by this horny goat weed extract powder that has like secret Viagra chemicals in it like at the gas station there's a lot of people that are trying to take your money in exchange for promises right because sex matters so much but because we're not so educated on it sometimes we're like oh that sounds like a really good promise that this gas station supplement is making to me about performance or stamina or size or virility or whatever the truth is that you have to educate yourself and you Shouldn't trust just everything that you read if it's not from a credible source or it's not been in a peer-reviewed journal like the articles that you'll find on for the most part Google Scholar then you have to decide for yourself whether that's information that you believe is credible enough for you to put into practice also just because it worked for one person doesn't mean that it's gonna work for everyone I read this free guide from a coach so I'm not gonna Name where they took like almost exclusively about what's the secret formula to get her wet the secret wetness formula and it's all about hair pulling okay you're pulling it's great now but honestly look at this head where you pull her here it's not going to be sexy that guide was fine for some women but it's not the number one secret to getting laid is being able to pull hair that would never have worked out in any way would you really pull my hair good Luck well I can do it because I know where it is but you might just it doesn't work too many people write guides that are written for everybody which is great I mean even my free guide is written generally to cure premature ejaculation for 99% of men but even the people that read that need to take steps after that first step if you download someone's guide or something and it promises this is going to get her wet every single Time and make you the master of vagina it's not that's okay it's really not meant to don't believe that one thing is gonna cure everything for every person there's not one like Silver Bullet magic pill in whatever force x6 is cool it's complicated it's sort of like a diet like a vegan diet might work for somebody a gluten-free diet it's gonna work for somebody else and somebody else wants to eat hot dogs for three meals a Day none of those people are wrong they just have different needs it's not a one-size-fits-all solution and you should definitely definitely question anyone who promises you something that seems too good to be true and that brings me to step number six which is pay for stuff pay for quality stuff like porn buy porn that's made ethically by producers that feature a diversity of bodies and diversity of sexual acts if you rely strictly on free porn or Strictly on free information you're not really getting the full depth and richness that is available out there there's tons of great free stuff out there and and by all means like please go get my free guide I put it together very specifically so that it will get you started on the journey of curing premature ejaculation if that is your challenge but also recognize that free guides the information that you can find on the Internet it's a great starting point but it's not the whole enchilada by books by great porn buy people's time and energy and resources that they spent like spend money to work with a coach so money to work with the therapist spend money to get the really good information that exists out there from credible sources and then spend your time working on it don't expect that you'll be able to become a master lover overnight just based off of a handful of resources that You found on the internet even if those resources are great there's a lot more out there that is high quality and is worth your time and it's worth your hard earned cash how is this the Internet why is this the symbol for cash are you ready I promise this to you at the beginning of the video what's my actual number one tip for becoming a sexpert [Music] masturbate that is 100% right you should become an expert lover for yourself now Why is this my number one tip well guess what where are you gonna learn about sex except for right here the home of sex for you I credit figuring out how to get myself off early on in life with being one of the reasons that I was able to get great and interested and be non-judgmental about sex later in life now I'm not gonna go into the details you just they're not relevant to the subject but no matter how old you were when you figured out that there was Something pleasurable happening between your legs and no matter how old you are right now if you start here in the body in your body and you become an expert at all of the things not just like how to get yourself off as quickly as possible but how does your whole body function together as a sexual organ and that's great whether or not you have a partner and if you have a partner then practicing with them is a spectacular way to get great at sex if you use all Of the other techniques that I gave you in this video and you're open and honest and communicative etc etc and you're researching and you're learning more and you have a partner that is interested and if you don't guess why you are in luck because you don't need one you my friend person watching this you are a sexual being you have everything that you need right here in order to experience the fullness and the richness of everything that I've discussed here Today that is how I became a sex expert now again I did go to school I did spend years as a professional sexual health educator I was a sexual health researcher I used to take part in studies and and do stuff that probably would make you blush and was completely clinical and and terribly academic and I also did everything that I mentioned to you here in this video and I credit all of that with getting me to where I am today which is a bona fide sex Bona fide sexpert if you liked this please spank that like button give me the thumbs up let me know that you did and if you want my help then follow the links below download my free guide go to our website apply to coach with me because this is what I do all day every day is I help men just like you to become amazing at sex it's a cool job check me out thanks for watching see you later

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