HUGE Youtube Change... Will This Ruin Your Channel?

 HUGE Youtube Change... Will This Ruin Your Channel?

Youtube Change

YouTube made six interesting updates to its policy around what's considered Advertiser friendly pretty much that just means what videos you can earn at revenue from some of these changes are more restrictive than before and some are less restrictive than before some of your previous and future videos may be purged from monetization due to one of these changes While others may be eligible now I want to start this video

  By saying yes this update is going to upset some of you but it's also going to help a lot of you and many of you won't be affected at all remember you can upload videos to YouTube as long as you comply with the community guidelines however if they do not also follow Advertiser friendly guidelines you won't be able to monetize them if you're only in it for the passion and you don't care about making money you can ignore this video but if you want your videos to
  Make a profit you need to pay attention to these six new updates enabling dishonest Behavior this is a new category and a Content that portrays or encourages unethical or design honest Behavior YouTube specifically mentioned things like pretending to be a retail store employee and staying in stores after business hours we've all seen this kind of content on YouTube and I imagine that this change is going to affect those channels making challenge based
  Content and prank Style videos inappropriate language hell damn shoot dang those are not considered profanity according to YouTube use those words as much as you want but only those words because everything else just just use your imagination all that is being treated a bit more strictly now profanity in the first seven seconds of your video or in the title or thumbnail will instantly disqualify your video from monetization and profanity used
  Heavily or consistently throughout a video will not be eligible for monetization no matter how mild or severe it is how are you doing that with your mouth never mind how I'm doing it there's no longer any differentiation between light moderate strong or extreme forms of profanity they're all equally unwelcomed by advertisers yeah for some of you I know that sucks gotcha I do I didn't but if you do swear and you use a beep like that YouTube's
  Okay with it as long as it's not something racial dangerous or harmful acts any videos that show Dangerous acts where minors are the participants our victims cannot be monetized unfortunately we've seen the headlines about kids getting injured or even dying after participating in Risky viral challenges and stunts that will not be tolerated on YouTube violence showing dead bodies without context game violence directed at real people and
  Implied moments of death cannot be monetized on YouTube but for gamers who have gory gameplay shown only after the first eight seconds have the option to monetize okay I don't get this because you can't use profanity within the first seven seconds you can't show gory gameplay within the first eight seconds what's the deal where are these numbers coming from if anybody knows please leave them in the comments below because honestly I don't have a clue drug
  Related content yeah I don't have a clue about this one either so I'm just going to read you exactly what it says drug use in consumption in gaming content may not receive ad Revenue but drug dealings or mention of drugs in gaming content may receive ad Revenue somebody unpacked that for me in the comments I don't quite get it adult content thumbnails titles and videos containing adult links or references to 18 plus content obscene language adult material real or animated
And sexually gratifying scenes such as animals mating or implicit sexual acts may not receive ad revenue and those are the updates some creators have already been purged from monetization because of this check your content See if you're still in good stand-ins if you have questions let us know in the comments below and watch this Banger next because it teaches you about the updates coming to YouTube thumbnails

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