6 yoga poses to relieve back pain ( Health Wellness Fit )

6 yoga poses to relieve back pain

Yoga can help you relax your body and mind. We propose 6 yoga postures or asanas that will help you improve your posture, stretch your muscles and relieve back pain , as well as combat stress or fatigue, and promote sleep.
Copy well each exercise and hold each position for 30 to 60 seconds, while practicing deep breathing that helps open the nerves and stretch the spine.
6 yoga poses to relieve back pain
Upside down dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana is an ideal posture to warm up since it supposes a great global stretching of the body. Tones the nerves of the spine and increases blood circulation in the posterior chain, from the trunk to the head. Strengthens the joints of wrists, scapular waist, pelvic and spine, and muscles of arms, legs, neck and back. Works legs, heels and insteps, shoulders, hands and tendons.
yoga idol back
Dog facing up
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is a posture that thanks to the upward inclination improves posture, it stretches the muscles of the back, chest, lungs, shoulders and abdomen. In addition, it promotes blood circulation and strengthens the spine arms and wrists.
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Bidalasana or cat pose is perfect for relieving back pain, either as part of a yoga routine or as a warm-up for another workout. Loosen these muscles and stretch the neck, back and torso.
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Salamba Kapotasana or pigeon pose stretches and flexes the hips, knees and lower back. Strengthens the muscles of the lower back, glutes, hamstrings and calves.
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Trikonasana or triangle pose gives flexibility and strengthens the muscles of the back and neck, in addition to working chest, arms, legs, knees, ankles. It gives flexibility to the hips and spine, in addition to the tendons of the legs and calves, shoulders and chest.height = "auto" width = "100%"
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Balasana or position of the child is a relaxed posture that produces an active stretch that helps lengthen the spine. Perfect to rest between exercises or finish the stretches, with great anti-stress power.
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In the image gallery we see 6 yoga poses to relieve back pain.

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