How much exercise should we do adults
Do you know how much exercise should adults do weekly? We must all lead an active life and dedicate at least two and a half hours. Let's see how to distribute it.
According to the British National Health Service, adults should lead an active daily life and invest two and a half hours a week to perform different exercises of moderate intensity . The ideal would be to distribute the activities in five sessions of 30 minutes , but everything depends on the exercise we perform. We can consider moderate intensity exercises to walk fast, ride a bicycle, climb the mountain, ride skates or water aerobics.
Alternatively, we can reduce the time we dedicate to the sport, 75 minutes a week, if the activity is of great intensity such as running, playing tennis, swimming fast, practicing martial arts or a couple of aerobic sessions. Another option is to make a mixture of moderate and intense activity.
We should also dedicate two sessions a week to improve our muscles with different activities such as sit-ups, squats or weight sessions. It is important to reinforce the muscles, since in many occasions we forget these physical exercises and we only dedicate time to aerobic exercises. To increase the musculature will favor the caloric consumption and will improve our body.
With the increase of sedentary life, it is important that we reduce the time we spend sitting watching television, using the computer or playing video games and trying to counteract these long periods of physical inactivity. Take breaks at work and take advantage to stretch. If you can, take the trip home to walk or bike or, at least, get off two stops before and take this walk.
Finally, it is important to remember the benefits of a daily activity such as:
- Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease or type 2 diabetes
- Help maintain the right weight
- Helps maintain the skill in our daily tasks
- Increase our self-esteem
- Reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety
And now that you know its benefits, how much time are you going to spend exercising?
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