How to lead a healthy sport lifestyle ( Health Wellness Fit )

How to lead a healthy sport lifestyle

Discover how to play sports in your day to day in a healthy and healthy way.

Carrying a healthy sport lifestyle entails taking into account a number of things. We tell you
Carrying a healthy sport lifestyle entails taking into account a number of things. We tell you
10 tips to lead a healthy sport lifestyle
1. Food . Before eating sports eat something to have energy. Eat foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta , fruit and rice and protein to regenerate muscles . Also, before, during and after, drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
2. Move and get active outdoors. There are a lot of sports you can practice such as cycling, running , climbing , tennis ... You just have to find the one you enjoy.
Outdoor sport
3. Out excuses. If you are a lazy person and above all, when the weather is bad you do not even want to leave home to play sports, you can do it from home . The stationary bike is a good option to activate at home.
4. Mix strength exercises with other cardio . All people need to coordinate both to achieve the desired results.
cardio exercise
5. Time Do a series of repetitions of each exercise depending on the results you want to achieve. Keep in mind that these must be progressive , start with a reduced time and go increasing them over time.
6. Results First of all do not obsess about observing results in a short time. Each body is different and therefore, people do not reach their goals at the same time . Focus on yourself, your improvements and feeling good about yourself.
7. Calendar. Organize yourself and create a calendar with the schedules and activities that you will do during the week. Having it decided will make you less lazy to play sports. If during the week you do not have time, take advantage of the weekend to stay active.
8. Ropa adecuada. Esta variará dependiendo de la actividad que escojas. No es lo mismo calzado para correr, jugar al fútbol o hacer escalada, cada actividad requiere unas condiciones distintas. Utiliza ropa transpirable para que transfiera el sudor al exterior.
Appropriate shoes
9. Mótivate. Créate una playlist para hacer deporte en la que incluyas las canciones que más te gusten y te motiven. La combinación de música y ejercicio es un mix perfecto.
10. Rest . It seems obvious to sometimes we forget. If you do not sleep during the necessary hours at night, during the day you will be unable to move a single finger. Try to comply with the time to go to bed and keep it in time.
healthy sport lifestyle

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