Baked egg custard recipe as traditionally done
Baked egg custard recipe as traditionally done
How to prepare a baked egg custard for a lifetime?
What a mystery, right? 😀
Of course!, We have become so accustomed to prefabricated custards and powder custards, that when we talk about preparing a traditional flan recipe , it seems that we will have to spend the day between pots.
The only thing that takes more time is because it has to be baked and cooled.
The result will be the same as your grandmother's flan . Well ... saving the distances because surely she would have some secret trick and a lot of skill in the kitchen.

Baked Egg Custard Recipe

As I said, to prepare the recipe for traditional baked egg custard , you don't need great skills as a cook or sophisticated ingredients.
We will only use milk, eggs and sugar. And if you want to try my grandmother's authentic version, in the end I will reveal her secrets.
Of course, you will need a large or several small flanera , in addition to a baking tray of the deepest, and some of the utensils that can not be missing in your kitchen .
Traditional egg custard can be made in the oven or in a pot

Ingredients for homemade egg custard

  • 3 eggs.
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 200 grams of sugar or so, depending on the desired sweetness.
  • 750 ml of semi-skimmed milk.
  • For caramel: 5 tablespoons of sugar, 3 or 4 tablespoons of water and a splash of lemon juice.

Preparation of caramel or burnt sugar

  1. Put a saucepan on the fire, and add the ingredients for the caramel: sugar, water and squeezed lemon drizzle.
  2. Let it take temperature and change color. Do not despair, because it is not instantaneous and takes a few minutes.
  3. Stir with a silicone tongue to homogenize the mixture.
  4. Without getting bubbles, when it is dark, remove it from heat.
  5. Pour a little caramel on the bottom of each flanera, and being careful not to burn yourself, go tilting and turning one at a time so that they can caramelicen up to medium height.
  6. Let the caramel cool and harden while preparing the flan.
Baked egg custard requires using some extra yolks in addition to whole eggs
Separate the egg yolks

Egg flan preparation

  1. The first thing is to separate the yolks from the whites of the extra eggs.
  2. In a large bowl, beat the yolks with the sugar.
  3. Add the eggs and continue beating until it makes a lot of foam.
  4. Add the milk and continue beating until the color is uniform.
  5. It is time to fill caramelized flaneras with liquid flan, without filling them for safety.
  6. Cover each flanera with aluminum foil.
  7. Let's prepare the oven.

Baked Egg Flan

Now that we have the flannels with the cream, we must curdle the flan in the oven.
  1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
  2. Insert a deep tray into the oven, and fill it with water halfway.
  3. Be careful not to burn yourself with them, put the brackets in the oven so that they are cooked in the water bath for approximately 50 minutes.
  4. Time has passed, and to make sure that the custards have set, click one with a knife. If it comes out clean, they will be ready.
  5. Remove the custards from the oven and let them cool to room temperature.
  6. Once cold, they can be unmold or served as is.
In order for the egg flan to have a crust, you must gratin them for 5 or 10 minutes
Egg custard with golden crust by the oven

My grandmother's egg flan tricks

1.Without boiling, heat the milk with a lemon peel, so that it gives a slight citrus touch and mystery.

2.To make the recipe look as much as possible to the flan of yesteryear, choose organic eggs .

3.Before mixing the egg,lrt it set at room tempareture.This will not curdle the eggs before the hour.

4.If you like that thinner,tougher film so typical of authentic baked egg custards,remove the foil from the flannels 5 minutes before to brown.

5.To taste the best flavour of the custards,they must be very cold.So,once removed from the oven,let them temper and put them in the fridge for an hour.

Do not stay with the desire to eat a good baked egg custard . You have already seen that the recipe is super simple!
If you feel like discovering how easy other recipes are, don't miss our special cooking recipes section .

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