How to contact Amazon Prime Video 2021


How to contact Amazon Prime Video 2021

Amazon Prime Video is the streaming platform created in 2006 by the e-commerce giant Amazon to offer exclusive entertainment content . It is a special service for customers of its "Prime" service  that allows access to the best movies and series .

Amazon Prime Video has several channels from which you can contact the technicians and customer service personnel.

On the other hand, as in any other content platform, it is possible to encounter problems, either with payments or technical problems that force the user to contact the platform's customer service. Therefore, just as we tell you how to contact Netflix , today we tell you how to contact Amazon Prime Video.

Amazon Prime Video has several channels from which the user can contact to solve any problem. In this sense, Amazon Prime Video has a help page where it is possible to find detailed information on how to solve the most common problems of the platform.

On this page, you can find installation and configuration guides, solutions to problems that arise with parental controls, content rental and purchase, as well as problems during the broadcast of live events (function that is not yet available in Spain ).

Amazon Prime Video Help Page

On the other hand, Amazon Prime Video also has a contact page , in which it is possible to choose a contact channel, between email, phone and chat. This page allows the user to choose the reason for contact and the favorite channel, so that an Amazon Prime technician will contact the user directly.

Amazon Prime Video Contact Page

Amazon Prime Video also offers several contact numbers for users to get in touch with the platform. These telephones are available from Monday to Friday, during office hours (from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.), they are toll-free and the numbers are: 900 803 711 and 900 803 707.

In this sense, Amazon Prime Video has an office in Spain, so it is also possible to contact by post, although through this channel it is not usual to receive a response. The address is: Calle Ramírez de Prado, 5, 28045, Madrid.

Finally, Amazon Prime Video is present on social networks , so those users who want to contact the platform can do so by going to the official profiles. In this sense, it is possible to find them on Facebook as and on Twitter as @Primevideo.

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